Ten days Patagonia

Day 1

Arrive at Bariloche airport. Sleep in hostel in Colonia Suiza (Historical Swiss Colony 1 hour drive from the airport)

Day 2

Today is for getting to know one another, learning about Argentine culture and pace of life, and prepping for a 6 day expedition in the mountains & lakes of Northern Patagonia. Local Guides will host classes throughout the day as well as providing some free time to explore Colonia Suiza.

Day 3

Day hike from Colonia Suiza to Tambo Baez campground. Summit Bella Vista mountain for incredible 360 views of the National Park and Bariloche city. Tent camp in Tambo.

Day 4

Put on expedition backpacks and hike to Refugio Jakob. Experience the Refugio culture and interact with other Argentines and the international hiking community.

Day 5

Continue expedition backpacking through the Casalata Valley surrounded by waterfalls and native forest. Sleep in tents at a Wilderness site.

Day 6

Last day of expedition backpacking before we transition to kayaks! The group will hike out of the Casalata Valley and arrive at the shores of Lake Mascardi where we randevu with our kayak guides. The group will receive a food and gear resupply and tent camp on the shore of the lake.

Day 7

Our kayak guides will introduce basic skills, we will learn how to transition from backpacks to loading an expedition sea kayak. We will paddle as a team, half the length of Mascardi Lake, to an established campground with showers!

Day 8

We load up our kayak’s once more to paddle the other half of Mascardi Lake and sleep on the other side in an established campground.

Day 9

Big transition day as we leave the Nahuel Huapi National Park after completing our 6 day expedition over land and sea to return to the City of Bariloche. There will be unstructured time to explore the center before a celebratory dinner of local fare. We will sleep at a hotel in town.

Ten days Patagonia

Day 1

Arrive at Bariloche airport. Sleep in hostel in Colonia Suiza (Historical Swiss Colony 1 hour drive from the airport)

Day 2

Today is for getting to know one another, learning about Argentine culture and pace of life, and prepping for a 6 day expedition in the mountains & lakes of Northern Patagonia. Local Guides will host classes throughout the day as well as providing some free time to explore Colonia Suiza.

Day 3

Day hike from Colonia Suiza to Tambo Baez campground. Summit Bella Vista mountain for incredible 360 views of the National Park and Bariloche city. Tent camp in Tambo.

Day 4

Put on expedition backpacks and hike to Refugio Jakob. Experience the Refugio culture and interact with other Argentines and the international hiking community.

Day 5

Continue expedition backpacking through the Casalata Valley surrounded by waterfalls and native forest. Sleep in tents at a Wilderness site.

Day 6

Last day of expedition backpacking before we transition to kayaks! The group will hike out of the Casalata Valley and arrive at the shores of Lake Mascardi where we randevu with our kayak guides. The group will receive a food and gear resupply and tent camp on the shore of the lake.

Day 7

Our kayak guides will introduce basic skills, we will learn how to transition from backpacks to loading an expedition sea kayak. We will paddle as a team, half the length of Mascardi Lake, to an established campground with showers!

Day 8

We load up our kayak’s once more to paddle the other half of Mascardi Lake and sleep on the other side in an established campground.

Day 9

Big transition day as we leave the Nahuel Huapi National Park after completing our 6 day expedition over land and sea to return to the City of Bariloche. There will be unstructured time to explore the center before a celebratory dinner of local fare. We will sleep at a hotel in town.